Whitelabel ITSolutions Is Where ZOOM works best
Whitelabel ITSolutions Is Where ZOOM works best

Shifting to a virtual environment was a complete challenge for many enterprises; keeping a fluid communication within the company under such a dramatic change was a real concern, but not anymore.

Working from home has been a challenge not only for employees, but for companies overall; mainly because many of those enterprises were forced to adopt this modality as a consequence of COVID-19 pandemic. Everything happened so fast, no one was prepared for it and in order to survive companies around the world had to adapt quickly to such changes. One of the most important challenges to overcome was keeping communications fluent; well, for every problem there is always a solution and many turn to the ZOOM app to solve this issue.

ZOOM is a video conferencing software app, which allows you to virtually interact with employees or co-workers when it is impossible to do so physically. During the quarantine time ZOOM has rapidly become an essential tool for businesses big and small, since it allows teams to stay connected and continue their workflow with minimal disruption. The app has many features that are very attractive not only to companies, but for individuals as well, like live chat, video or audio conferencing, it also lets you record your sessions to view later, among others. Zoom app has a desktop and phone interface, as well as a free and paid version. As any other video conferencing or streaming platform for this app to work efficiently with no latency, it needs a powerful service provider.

Whitelabel ITSolutions has all the technology in place for ZOOM to work best; we have connections to Tier1 providers, as well as multiple Internet Exchanges to ensure lowest latency and highest uptime for our customers. Our solutions are one of a kind, with feature rich packages at affordable prices. The Lockdown will not stop your progress; stay connected with your employees, customers and providers within a secure environment that only Whitelabel ITSolutions has to offer.

About Us

Established in 2015, Whitelabel ITSolutions is one of the most reliable collocation hosting providers in the United States. With our main data centers in New Jersey, Whitelabel ITSolutions is staffed with a certified team of engineers with a vision of delivering a fully integrated, trusted collocation hosting service. Whether you need a server, backup services or a place to host your full IT infrastructure, Whitelabel ITSolutions will be able to provide a plan for you all with an unparalleled 24/7 customer support available whenever and wherever our clients need it.


To learn more visit: https://whitelabelitsolutions.com or call: (201) 425-4060. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.