Benefits of Colocation: Carrier-Neutrality
Benefits of Colocation: Carrier-Neutrality

Carrier-neutrality has become the best option for businesses outsourcing their data centers. Depending on your business needs, for an in-house solution, you can either use multiple providers to build redundancy or select a specific carrier to provide you with network connectivity. For colocation, choosing a facility that can provide the best connectivity possible is probably the single most important aspect.

What is Carrier-Neutrality?

A carrier neutral data center offers customers more choices and are generally the choice for service. A carrier-neutral colocation facility can offer the ability to connect your infrastructure to a range of bandwidth providers that can help improve the reach and performance of your business applications. Allowing interconnection between multiple colocations to share the facilities of a single colocation center. Carrier neutral data centers aren’t limited to one service provider; fostering competition among providers to offer cost-efficiency and value, producing a better service for their customers.

The Importance of Carrier-Neutrality

Carrier-neutrality is an essential factor that provides diversity and flexibility for the client seeking service.  Consumers in a carrier-neutral facility have many advantages such as lower prices and better connectivity service. Also providing more capabilities on seeking interconnection services, providing a greater degree of connectivity. Whitelabel ITSolutions data centers are carrier-neutral, providing customers options of connectivity to many carriers for their business. Being able to connect with multiple carriers in our data center enables redundancy, uptime and cost-efficiency, all which are a great benefit to any business seeking to outsource their data center.

About Us

Established in 2015, Whitelabel ITSolutions is one of the most reliable collocation hosting providers in the United States. With our main data centers in New Jersey, Whitelabel ITSolutions is staffed with a certified team of engineers with a vision of delivering a fully integrated, trusted collocation hosting service. Whether you need a server, backup services or a place to host your full IT infrastructure, Whitelabel ITSolutions will be able to provide a plan for you all with an unparalleled 24/7 customer support available whenever and wherever our clients need it.


To learn more visit: https://whitelabelitsolutions.com or call: (201) 425-4060. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Whitelabel ITSolutions

Established in 2015, Whitelabel ITSolutions is one of the most reliable collocation hosting providers in the United States. With our main data centers in New Jersey, Whitelabel ITSolutions is staffed with a certified team of engineers with a vision of delivering a fully integrated, trusted collocation hosting service. Whether you need a server, backup services or a place to host your full IT infrastructure, Whitelabel ITSolutions will be able to provide a plan for you all with an unparalleled 24/7 customer support available whenever and wherever our clients need it.